The largest factor that separates millennials from previous generations in the workplace is the desire to learn and grow. According to Gallup, 87% of millennials rate professional or career growth and development opportunities as important to them in a job. With limited hours per day, it can be difficult to decide which responsibilities to focus on — especially which will lead to a promotion.
One of the most effective ways to target advancement opportunities is to hone in on our unique talents and use them to our advantage. According to Gallup, our talents are “naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that can be productively applied.” When we invest time and grow our knowledge base in these areas, we can build these natural talents into career-focused professional strengths.
In applying our strengths, we share our skillset in a valuable way with both our supervisors and the organization as a whole. This practice helps us stand out, make an impact, and show what we are capable of as a young professional. It also feeds our desire to learn and grow in our young careers.
The first step to applying our strengths to our work is to discover what we love doing.
Identify Your Talents
Reflect on what you are naturally good at and areas that have the greatest potential for contribution in the workplace. Ask yourself:
What do people typically come to me for advice on? How do I contribute to meetings? What is my role in a team setting? How do I follow through on projects? How do I influence others to sell my ideas? And so on.
Lisa Cummings, CEO of Lead Through Strengthsrecommends the StrengthsFinder assessment as a shortcut to identifying your natural gifts. Cummings reveals that it “helps you see things about your awesomeness that you hadn’t viewed as special. It also equips you with language to talk about your strengths at work, without feeling awkward.”
If you are newer to the professional space, reflect on your collegiate, leadership and volunteer experiences. What role did you play in those settings and what value did you provide to both individuals and the organizations?
Invest in Your Strengths
After you identify what makes you stand out, it’s important to take time to develop your strengths. According to Dr. Brandon Rigoni, Managing Consultant at Gallup, “We must invest in our areas of natural talent by acquiring relevant knowledge, skills, and experience. Only then can we truly develop strength in an area.” Much of the investment process involves taking time to actively apply your strengths.
Consider taking a course, attending a conference, or volunteering on a new project. Take the opportunity to enhance the areas you already excel in to another level and don’t be afraid to take on a new challenge. Speak with your supervisor about their professional development budget and be open to free and low cost online resources such as:, Creative Live and Udemy. Push yourself further, ask for help, and most importantly: set aside time and space to invest in yourself.
Leverage Your Strengths
Now that you have identified your strengths and spent time investing in yourself, you need to leverage them for career advancement. The first step is to understand your organization’s vision. Cummings suggests that it is not only important to know your strengths but to also “know the company metrics that matter. Then apply your strengths to push the goals forward. If you can help your team and your boss succeed, you will be valued.”
Take a step back and reflect on what your company is missing. How can you help your boss stand out, and how can you leverage your strengths to provide a solution? Is your company looking to gain new clients, and you have a record for success in that area? Are they looking to recruit new talent, and you have recently brought in new hires? Do they need to implement a new technology solution, and you have experience with the software?
If you’re unsure of where the best use of your talents might be, talk with your supervisor. Be proactive and schedule a time to look at upcoming projects and areas for collaboration. Cummings believes that managers will “want to help you grow your career in the direction of your strengths, yet they can’t easily uncover your hopes, dreams, and wishes without ongoing conversations. Managers love people who share their ideas about how they can help the team reach its goals.”
As millennials, identifying our desire to learn and grow in the workplace is the easy part, but leveraging specific opportunities for advancement is where the real work comes in. “When what we choose to do aligns with who we are, we will be much more likely to stand out and advance. Finding roles in which we can leverage our strengths is the key to happiness, wellbeing, and productivity… and by extension, promotion,” says Dr. Rigoni. Don’t be afraid to ask for growth opportunities and invest time in yourself and your company.