Friday, 28 December 2018
Making Money Online: The Truth About Making Money Online
Making money online, is it real or is it a bunch of bologna? Depending on what you are looking for, it could be both! Making money online is something thousands of people try to do daily but only a few actually succeed and even fewer see real income margins! Most online entrepreneurs are able to make a little money on the side, but the truth is that most hardly make anything. I'm going to be providing a few ways you could make money online as well as a brief review.
1. Write and Sell an eBook - If you have a vast amount of knowledge over a certain topic you could write and sell an eBook, I supposed I should say write, record and then sell an eBook. This could be a fantastic way to make residual income online and when it comes to making money, residual is the word you're going to want to be searching for! However, if you don't have much knowledge over one specific subject it could be difficult to create a quality eBook and your customers are going to want quality! Additionally, this stream of income will take time! You will have to build your audience first and that could weeks or months or even years depending on how you market yourself.
2. Sell Photos - If you enjoy photography you could be selling your photos online. That picture you took of the sunset last week could be $10 in your pocket as well. Once you get your picture uploaded online you can set it to sell and people will be buying your glamorous photo while you sleep. You could potentially wake up the next morning to an extra $50 or $100 in your bank account just from one photo! However, this is definitely not something I would be interested in, personally. I am a horrible photographer and do not enjoy taking pictures, so I can only imagine this business structure would be an absolute failure for me.
3. Create Video Tutorials - As technology progresses, people are wanting tutorials on pretty much everything. You could do a tutorial on basic math, feeding your pet, even making a PB&J sandwich! After uploading these videos you'll want to monetize them that way you can generate income from views. However, same as writing an eBook, this income generation may take time. You will have to build an audience with this route as well. However, you could see a pretty decent size of residual income after building a following.
There's many more ways you can make money online! I encourage you to search some more if this review didn't include anything interesting but beware of false hopes! You can make money online a bunch of different ways, however, there are only a very few ways to make a substantial residual income stream online all from home.
Friday, 21 December 2018
Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Niche Awareness - 5 Things You Need to Know
When you are first starting out in internet marketing one of the hardest things to do can be deciding which niche market you are going to target.
I know when I was first starting out I went from having no idea what area I would be targeting to being bombarded by so many different niche markets my head was spinning at the prospect of picking just one or two.
With that in mind I am going to look at some of the various kinds of niche markets available to you as well as a few other things you will need to consider, with the intention of casting a little light on the subject and hopefully as a result make the whole process of choosing a niche market that bit easier for you.
1. Try traditional niche markets
• Health and Fitness
• Wealth Creation
• Lifestyle
Each of these markets has existed for far longer than the internet has and will always be in demand. In fact, these markets have existed since before the beginning of marketing itself.
For example, people are always looking to improve their health, this could be health in general or dealing with a health condition that they have to live with such as diabetes, high blood pressure, back pain, asthma or IBS to name but a few.
Maybe you are more interested in the fitness side of things, again the scope for this market is huge and very much in demand. People are always looking for ways to work out at home or shorten their time at the gym with different ways to get the maximum results in the shortest amount of time. A lot of these gym goers are looking at ways to put on weight or build muscle.
Which brings me nicely onto what is probably the biggest area under the health and fitness banner, this is weight loss. The global weight loss market is estimated to be worth £220 million with an estimated 29 million Brits attempting to lose weight last year alone and with obesity on the rise this market is only going to get bigger. With that in mind there's always a marketplace out there that will be hungry for information in this area.
In the same way, people are always looking to make more money, maybe they have retired and want something to fill their time and top up their pension, or they could be looking for something to do as a hobby that can generate a little extra cash to supplement their wages. It could be, they have dreams of quitting the drudgery of the 9 to 5 and starting out on their own. As with health and fitness, wealth creation is a huge marketplace with numerous possibilities.
Similarly, lifestyle is an area that people want to improve constantly, this again covers a wide range of subjects, quitting smoking or drinking could also be covered by the health and fitness banner but tends to come under lifestyle as does improving sleep and stress management. You could also look at relaxation techniques and meditation as well as the very popular relationship niche. So as you can see a vast number of people will always be looking for solutions within this market.
In conclusion, the markets I've mentioned are a fantastic place to start if you're thinking of going into internet marketing, or even if you're already up and running and you want to explore a new niche then these are huge markets for you to tap into.
2. Solve peoples problems
Every single person who is in internet marketing brings a wealth of knowledge with them, and if you think that this is not true for you, then you are wrong. We all have things that we are passionate about, or are knowledgeable in, it could be a hobby that you have been doing for years or maybe you do a job in which you have gained knowledge that could be passed on to the less initiated - insider information, tricks of the trade etc. You can use what you know or love to help solve other peoples problems. Even if you don't have all the answers, with access to the internet you have all the experts in your chosen topic at your finger tips - just Google it! And if you're solving a problem, you're helping someone. If you're helping someone, then you can get paid for your time and effort.
Every single day people all over the world are looking for answers to problems they may have, in every single subject under the sun. Don't believe me? try googling 'how to get my bread to rise' and you get over 5.6 million results, or try 'How to improve my golf swing' and over 1.25 million results are returned, or try something more obscure like 'How to stop my dog barking' and you get over 770,000 results. What I'm trying to say here is that regardless of what you are knowledgeable about there is someone out there looking for answers to problems in that particular area.
If you can provide a solution to the people who are looking for answers, in a way that they can easily access, then you can get paid for doing it.
One of the easiest ways to do this is to produce an e-book and with websites such as Amazon kindle direct publishing; it's now easier than ever to get your e-book out into the market place. If you add an audio or video version as well, then you will greatly improve your widespread appeal.
Do your research right and you can easily find the most common problems in your chosen niche. A very good way of finding what problems people need solving is to go direct to the market itself. One of the best places to look can be online forums dedicated to your chosen subject, you will find numerous people here looking for answers to an abundance of problems. Places like Yahoo Answers are also a great way of finding out what problems people are facing. If you want to you can always go and survey people in your chosen niche.
This is not only a great way to find out what problems people need solving, it's also very valuable to you because the people are basically telling you what product they need. All you have to do is give it to them.
3. Do your research
Research within your chosen niche is vital. It's important because it tells you what the market is thinking and more importantly what it wants. It also tells you if the demand is big enough to be worth your time and effort creating products that that particular market is asking for.
By going direct to the market you can discover what problems they face, what solutions they've tried, what has worked and what hasn't worked, you'll get a better insight into what people want and be better placed to provide a solution in a targeted way.
If you already have a list, that's great, send them a brief email questionnaire, ask them what they want to learn about, what problems they have (short term and long term), what kind of information they need.
One great way to find a niche market is to use the Google Keyword Tool You can see how many people are searching for a specific word or phrase, this is an invaluable tool to ascertain if there is a demand for the niche you are considering. If there are 10,000 searches per month or more and very little competition from advertisers, you may well have found yourself a niche that's ready and waiting to be tapped into.
4. Keep looking
It's important as an internet marketer to constantly be on the lookout for new ideas and continue to search for new niches and markets that you can potentially tap into, this will not only increase the number of income streams you have but will also ensure that you are not putting all your eggs into one basket should one niche area start to wane. Having said that, don't give up on one niche just because you have had a successful product. If one product has worked, then the potential is there to sell more, keep going in that same niche until you have 4 or 5 good products all making you money.
Don't forget to keep a constant relationship with your existing buyers, send out emails at least once a month, send them offers, upsells and other products that you think they may be interested in. Remember it is easier and cheaper to sell to someone who has already been a customer than to sell to a complete stranger.
You are surrounded by places where you can gain inspiration for new niche markets. Try going to the magazine section of your local shop, look at the various magazines on sale and the subjects they cover, chances are that If there's a magazine for it, then it is likely to have enough potential buyers to be a worthwhile niche market.
As I mentioned earlier you can also find inspiration by playing around with the Google Ads Keyword Tool as well.
5. Go deeper
What I mean by this is quite simply finding more specific fields of interest within your chosen niche. For example, maybe your niche is the beauty market so then your more specific areas within this market could be hair, or nails, looking younger or even the make-up niche.
Taking the make-up niche as an example, you can narrow this down to things such as applying lipstick, foundations for different skin types, or applying eye make up.
Lets say you decide to create products about eye make-up, If you are somewhat of an expert on this subject then that's great, turn what you know into an e-book or a step by step video tutorial. If you are not then don't worry you could interview experts in this area and maybe record the interview and produce your product from this.
By going deeper and being more precise you could really get the most out of your chosen niche and because you're being very specific you can open up a whole world of possibilities to build on. Remember people love to learn from experts and so that attention to detail will pay off.
It's also a good idea to think laterally within your niche market and consider what other products or services people might be interested in. As I mentioned earlier, if people have already bought from you, then suggest other products you think they may be interested in or offer them an upsell of another higher priced product.
Finally, make sure that you take careful notes of what works and what doesn't work, then maybe look at how you can use what works in the future and whether you can fix the things that do not work or if you need to discard them and try a different approach.
Monday, 17 December 2018
Saturday, 15 December 2018
Jobs Online: 3 Great And Rewarding Jobs Online
Technology is growing more and more every day! This daily growth is bringing more and more to the table such a jobs! You are now able to get a real legitimate job online working from home! Some jobs are hard and some are pretty easy. Some jobs require absolutely nothing and some require some education or even a small investment! It all depends on what you're looking for, how much money you would like to make, and a bunch of other factors. I'm going to explain 3 jobs online you can start today!
1. Virtual Assistant - Virtual assistants do a bunch of things and offer quite a number of services. Such services offered by VA's are invoicing, doing particular research, minor educating, and many more. The pay for this job varies heavily, however, once you learn what you're doing and how to do it well you could be making a pretty decent income level all from home.
2. Call Centers - Personally, I have done this! Generally speaking, most companies want you to work physically at the company for about 90 days before you can start working online at home. They call this working "remote", which makes total sense if you know the definition. However, don't get excited! Call centers don't pay any type of substantial hourly income to their employee's. Don't get me wrong, working for a call center is not a bad idea at all! Just remember, it's an entry-level job! Pay from this online job is around $9-$15 an hour.
Online jobs are still a new thing. Many people don't even know that they exist! However, they do in fact exist and are becoming more and more popular by the second! I've only listed 3 great and rewarding online jobs you can start today, however, there are several more I didn't list! If any of these jobs sound interesting to you, I definitely advise you look into it immediately because these jobs are filling up quickly! I hope you enjoyed this review, be sure to look at my other articles to find additional information over a wide variety of things!
Thursday, 13 December 2018
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
The Top Digital Trends You Need to Know
Let's face it; digital technology has changed life as we know it.
I don't know anyone who isn't doing digital things in some way. Do you?
Digital and social media, thanks to the Internet, have broken borders, how we communicate, and how we deliver information-including the news. Disruption occurs at such a rapid pace these days, that to remain competitive, you always have to be reading the tea leaves. And, that includes digital and social media disruption.
What are the trends you have to keep any eye out for in the year ahead?
Augmented reality: The very definition of "reality" is already beginning to change. Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, has suggested that we will live in a world where at some point we will not be able to tell the difference. Augmented reality blends the real world we see every day around us with a supplemental or added reality brought to us by digital technology and GPS. The Pokemon Go craze of last year showed us the future was here with augmented reality. See more augmented reality enter the digital and social media worlds.
Virtual reality: Virtual reality is a computer-generated, three-dimensional world that can be entered, typically with some kind of device, such as a helmet or goggles. Facebook owns the leading virtual reality company, Oculus, which just had a massive judgment against it to pay $500 million to the game company ZeniMax. Despite that legal situation, virtual reality is big business and corporations are moving quickly to position themselves as the leaders in providing all of us opportunities to enter other realities.
Live video: I don't know about you, but I've seen a lot more live videos posted on Facebook. Once Facebook Live was introduced in 2016, people young and old were suddenly hitting the "Live" button and all of the sudden I was seeing my friends in their kitchens or on the beach. Look for this to only increase as people get more comfortable just sharing their lives-live-on social media platforms, including the social media giant, Facebook.
Social media shopping: Platforms such as Facebook and Instagram have done an excellent job of integrating advertisement without impacting the user experience. This integration is going to continue. You'll see more ads and marketplaces on social media sites as consumers make some of their purchases within these platforms.
Organic promotion: Organic reach, the type of promotion that brands were able to get to their followers and supporters simply by posting, is continually being throttled by social media platforms. The limiting of brand promotion will only continue as the social media giants, such as Facebook, continue to develop platforms so that users remain longer and longer. Let's face it. These are businesses. Platforms like Facebook will continue to degrade the ability of brands to promote to supporters without paying a price.
Friday, 7 December 2018
Wednesday, 5 December 2018
I'm Starting My Own Internet Business And I Need Answers
If you're starting your own internet business it can seem a bit overwhelming. As with any business, an internet business does require time, resources and determination to get started and maintain. But you can get bogged down with all the jargon and flood of information that you see online.
Here are some commonly asked questions that get asked when budding entrepreneurs start their own internet business.
What Does 'The Money Is In The List' Mean?
It won't be long after you've started an internet business before you come across the phrase 'The money is in the list'. This simply means the people that you have on your database, or email list, are the people who are most likely to buy from you. They are willing to receive emails from you because they are interested in your products and services. Email marketing is still considered the most effective online marketing method. Make sure that you're building an email list of prospects from day one.
What Is Affiliate marketing?
Affiliate marketing is a popular internet business model. It's like being a commission-paid sales person. You're called an affiliate because you're associated with the product but you're not part of the business that actually produced the product. When you promote the product and make a sale, the product owner will pay you a commission. It's a great way for starting your own internet business because you don't have to buy any stock, sort out any payment systems or arrange the product delivery. The product owner does all of that. Your job is to the find the customers and encourage them to visit the product's sales page.
Am I Too Old To Do Business On The Internet?
Getting results has nothing to do with age. It's about your determination to succeed. Every online entrepreneur has target audience who will connect to the way that they do business. Keep in mind that people by from people they know, like and trust. Believe in yourself and your audience will believe in you too.
How Do I Learn To Do New Stuff?
Go online and search for courses that will teach you what you want to know.When you buy a course, put into practice everything you learn before you think that it hasn't worked. And even then, go to the product creator and show them your efforts and see if they can help you get on the right track. Don't buy every course, tool and one time offer presented to you. You can get started with free or low cost choices before you re-invest in your business for a few upgrades.
An internet business provides the opportunity for many of us to fulfill our entrepreneurial ambitions. Ambitions that perhaps would not be possible in the traditional business world. But that's not to say that you can ignore all the regular rules of business. Regardless of your niche or industry, if you master the following 4 skills, success will certainly follow.
Monday, 3 December 2018
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