Friday, 31 May 2019
Wednesday, 29 May 2019
How to Find Business Partners to Increase Your Online Business Success
If you are a solopreneur - there's just you in your business - you will need help from other businesses of some kind. You'll need advertising materials, a website, a delivery system (depending on your niche) and so on.
Few people have the knowledge to perform all those services for themselves. The solution is to find providers for each specific niche that you need within the online B2B Marketplace.
You may need additional money for your business. There again, locating business partners through business networks is the solution.
Let us say you want to create an E-commerce store selling your hand-painted pottery. You could hire someone to build a custom-coded website for you (using a provider from such B2B Marketplace sites as Fiverr or Upwork (which has absorbed ODesk and Elance) and
Or you could partner with companies that offer "associate" programs in your niche. For example, you can create an e-commerce store on eBay, to sell anything you like from your own books to used books, tools, jewelry, sporting equipment and so on. You could also partner with, or
Other global companies offer affiliate opportunities. Basically, they will pay you to create a business presence online in order to help them market their goods and services. How can you find these affiliate opportunities? Join a business networking site, and learn from those who already participate in such programs.
Using freelance marketplace portals to find talented individuals is one form of business partnering, but it is in an on-demand basis. You use these individuals only as you need them, and the portal that provides their services. Since freelancers work for a variety of people, they may not be available the next time you need them, so you have to find a new provider.
Finding business partners outside of these marketplace portals, that you can partner with officially, solves this difficulty.
For example, shipping costs from one country to another country can be prohibitive unless you "drop-ship", meaning you send your product to a partner in another country, and that company stores the product and sends it out as needed to people in-country who order the product.
People, or companies, who offer such services can be found on B2B Marketplace sites.
To find these B2B Marketplace sites, simply do a web search on that term. Then, simply search through the results to find a site that offers business services in your particular niche. A B2B Marketplace site is in essence a business network, and networking is the key to expanding your business into the global market.
Business partners located in different areas around the world can also help you advertise your business, in particular your e-commerce business and make it known throughout the world.
Monday, 27 May 2019
Friday, 24 May 2019
Want to Be Rich? Forget Passion - Follow Money
What I'm about to say goes against almost every self-help book out there. It goes against what you've been told time and time again. And it might even go against your moral code.
Then again, if you want to be rich, you might want to consider where your 'moral code' came from. The advice everyone loves to trot out and display to anyone who will listen is, "Do what you love, the money will follow."
Hmmm... What if you love writing poetry? Or gardening? Or making baskets What if you love crochet? Or cats? Or hiking? Yes, you can make money in all of these niches. But... how much?
Making money and getting rich are two entirely different things. Making money is getting the bills paid and maybe being able to scrimp enough together to take an annual vacation. Getting rich is, well, getting RICH. Whatever that means to you - a 6 figure income, 7 figures in the bank, 8 figures in investments and real estate - you decide.
But guaranteed, you're not going to attain any of those levels of wealth if you're focused on the crochet niche. (Do you even know what crochet is? It's taking a hook and some yarn and making an afghan, sweater, scarf, etc. Enjoyable and relaxing, yes. Profitable, NO.)
Okay, so if the key to getting rich is to follow the money and not the passion, what exactly does that mean? It means you go where the money is. You find something that is highly profitable and focus on making those profits. You don't strive to be the best blogger or the best website builder or the best social media maven. You focus solely on where the money is and you do whatever it takes to make that money (staying 100% legal, of course).
We're talking about a mind shift here - a different way of viewing your business. If your focus is to be the best life coach, then you are a coach. But if your focus is to have the most profitable coaching business possible, then you are an entrepreneur. And as an entrepreneur, you're going to quickly realize you need to hire others to be the coaches while you find the clients. Then you'll put systems in place to get the clients while you focus on scaling, and so forth.
Notice that you are not a coach, you're an entrepreneur. You're not working IN your business, you're working ON your business. I know this difference might seem slight to the uninitiated. But if you look at anyone who has built a business to 7 figures or more, you will see that they set aside passions and followed the money.
They're not experts at the products and services their business delivers. They hire or outsource experts for that. They are experts at making their businesses big and profitable. That's entrepreneurship.
And what about those who go even further, building one successful business after another? They're focused on something even beyond money. Walter White, from the television show Breaking Bad, sums it up like this when talking to his partner Jessie...
"You asked me if I was in the meth business or the money business.
"I'm in the empire business."
But that's a step beyond. For right now, if you want to become rich, focus on where the money is and how best to deliver the stellar products or services that will bring that money to you by the truckloads. And by the way, if you're really, really passionate about crochet, or poetry, or gardening... you can do as much of it as you want once you build your wealth building business (or empire) and then sell it for megabucks.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Monday, 20 May 2019
The More You Think About Money The More You Make
He who thinks consistently about a thing will usually tend to grow towards that thing, whether it be riches, poverty, love, hate or anything else under the sun. Have you ever noticed how when sometimes you are just thinking about somebody, they will call or send you a message. Or at times just when you are thinking about something that you need, that thing will show up? In the Jamaican culture, when one more people are talking about another person in a good or bad way and that person suddenly appears in front of you, it is now a common superstition that this person will live long. It is a common superstition which is a sign that this occurrence is far from rare.
This same idea holds true for the appearing of money. The more you begin to think about money, the more money will come your way. First you begin to think about gaining money, then you might consider how you don't have any money. Then you might begin to think about how you can gain more money. Then concrete plans begin to form in your mind about how you can gain money or somehow money may just come your way out of no where. This has happened to me countless times, and I mean thousands of dollars, or even a job. All when I have held a keen focus on money.
It is all logical, just think about it, if you sat down one evening and decided that you were going to make pancakes for breakfast, then the whole night, you envisioned the pancakes; you saw the pancakes in your imagination, you smelt the smell of the syrup and the butter on top of the pancakes and then you tasted the combination of the pancakes, melted butter and syrup in your mouth. The next morning when you go to the store there is a 99% chance that you will be picking up pancake mix at the store or before you even get to the store, you might just end up going for breakfast because you want pancakes as soon as possible. It is the same thing with money, if you decide to have it rest on your mind for a long period of time,rest assure you will soon amass more money.However, there is something more.
It was the great Henry Ford who once said " If one thinks they can't or thinks they can't, they're both probably right". What he meant is that the contents of your thoughts is what determines your reality, your thoughts are the tool that shapes your reality. So, just know it is not enough to just think about money you also need to think positively about money.
When you spend, don't think that it is your last, but instead think that there is much more to come in the near future. When you look at your account and don't see much there, close your eyes and envision that there will be much there soon. The idea is that you must have a good and upbeat relationship with this thing called money. Your connection to money must be positive no matter what the circumstance. You could be poor now, or from a broken home, it doesn't matter, when it comes to money and success period, let your thoughts of money be positive.
There is a story about two brothers whose father was a drunk. One of these boys grew up to be a drunk just like his father and the other grew up to be rich and successful with mansions, cars and land. When asked individually as to how they both reached their stations. In life, they both had the same answer but different perspectives. The drunkard said "my father was a drunk so I had no choice (to be a drunk)". The rich one said, "my father was a drunk so I had no choice (to be rich)".
This story just goes to show you that it is the contents of your mind; your thoughts which will determine your destiny, especially when it comes to money. The people who are the most positive about money, are the ones who gain the most of it. And if you will start to think positively about money today and be one of these people, you will find much more in your pockets in the near to distant future.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Monday, 13 May 2019
The Money Making Power Of Thought
One day while he was watching a boxing match between Muhammad Ali and another less formidable opponent. Ali would hit him and he would sway, he would get hit and hit but for some reason he just wouldn't quit. He was taking thunderous blows for the duration of the match but in the end he still lost. However, when the bell sounded to signal the end of the match, something magical happened.
The actor got an idea, the struggling actor got a thought that he should write a movie similar that would portray a character similar to the fighter who has shown so much heart. Boom, there it was all that he needed, a ray of inspiration that caused him to spend the next 20 hours writing the script for this movie.
When he completed the movie, he then brought it to several production companies, but they all rejected him. Discouraged, the actor still continued to peddle his script and finally someone was interested in it. They then offered him 100,000 for the script, but took back the offer when he demanded to be the star of the movie. No deal, they both said.
A month later the same company called the actor back and offered him 200,000$ for the script, but he declined again. The next week it was 300,000$, another decline, until the company gave in and gave him 35,000$ for the script and let him be the star of the movie.
The gamble paid off and the Rocky series was born. Sylvester Stallone led the way to multiple Oscar awards and many millions of dollars. Today Sylvester Stallone sits on an estimated worth of 400 million dollars, and he owes it all to just an idea. All he began with was a thought and then that thought blossomed into something greater than anybody could ever imagine.
You also have what this actor had which now makes him many millions of dollars for every movie he acts in, directs or produces. Lately, it's been a common practice for people to say " it takes money to make money" but this isn't true even in the least bit. Stallone didn't have any money, didn't have any investors, anybody who believed in him or even a rich uncle. All he had on his side was the power of thought that is also within you and I today just waiting to be used to provide comfort and service to all who would make use of it. Will you use it today to make your fortune?
Friday, 10 May 2019
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
How Concentration Can Bring You Wealth
Pick up a magnifying glass and bring it outside. Then find a small stick and hold the glass over the stick for at least a few minutes. In a little while you see that the rays of the sun being concentrated in time begin to light the little stick on fire.
Just as it is for the rays of the sun when concentrated to strike fire to a given area,just so the rays of your mind can be concentrated to bring unlimited amounts of wealth into your life.
Micheal Jordan he is the greatest basketball player of all time. However, at some point in time he wasn't. Funny and impossible as it seems Micheal Jordan actually didn't even make his junior varsity team.
Micheal Jordan was a good player but didn't become Micheal Jordan until he began to concentrate all his mental energies toward playing the game of basketball.
It all changed when he began to eat, sleep, live basketball. All of his thoughts pertained to basketball and so did his actions. He was the first to arrive to practice and the last to leave. He spent hours and hours looking over game film and even began to lift weights so that his body would be in the best shape possible to play basketball. Basketball had taken over his mind and the results were something we have never seen before and are likely to never see ever again.
The billionaire Mark Cuban said it as well that " the sport of making money was played for 24 hours 7 days 365 days a year, and here lies the secret to the creation of his enormous wealth.
Thomas Edison who was arguably the world's greatest inventor had a mind that was so immersed into his work that he would think of nothing else. When Edison was trying to invent the light-bulb he would decided that nothing outside of achieving that goal was worth his time. He decided that if he did not find out how to make the light-bulb then he would do nothing else and that is history.
Even many of you who have entered into colleges and universities understand the power of concentration. I can remember committing social suicide day 1 of college. You no longer have a life,you no longer have any interests and you no longer have any friends (it seems). It's like you are in class all day long and when you get home, all you are doing is homework. Yeah I know it sucks but it is the way to have success in your studies.
I'm not telling you that you need to be one of the worlds greatest people and devote your every moment to making money or some special project. However, I am telling you of a secret that great men have used to achieve their goals in life. A secret that you too can use in your life to achieve your financial goals.
Saturday, 4 May 2019
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
Money Consciousness
We already learnt about becoming wealth conscious, so you remember that it is those things that you focus on that are going to come into your reality. While growing up in this philosophy,sometimes I couldn't find anything to uplift me and keep my vibrations up. At times,all around me optimism was lacking.
I may do my affirmations and begin feeling joyful, but when I turn on the TV to watch the news, there is violence and crime everywhere. Watching TV would bring my vibration down so then I would log on to the Internet to find some solace. However, when I log on to Facebook I see the same violence, crime, hopelessness, racism and depression. As a result my vibration gets pushed down even lower to where it was before I did my affirmations.
I noticed that it was hard for me to keep my vibrations up, I needed new material that would always be harmonious, uplifting, joyful, hopeful and inspiring. Unfortunately, this type of material was hard to find for a long time, so my results came slower.
Do not overlook the importance of having your mind rest on money in order to gain money. Anytime I was able to keep my mind focused upon money for any reason I got it. I remember there was a time that I needed to install kitchen cabinets for my tenants and I didn't want to pay for them out of my regular pay check. I felt that thought strongly many times over the course of 2 weeks and what happened was that all the money came right to me. The government had forgotten to return to me a tax credit from many years ago and now they sent it just in time.
Another time, I had told myself that I just wanted to make an extra 50$ per month because what I was making at that time was acceptable but not good enough for me to enjoy as much entertainment as I wanted to at that point in time. I put the thought out there and within days came an email from a man across the globe in Japan who wanted to pay me 20$ a day to post 3 ads on Craigslist for NHL hockey jerseys. I quickly took him up on the offer and within a few weeks I had made 200$ for doing about 5 minutes work per day. I could go on and on about the time I needed a cheap laborer to help finish my basement and ran into one at the corner store a few weeks before I would start work. There are countless stories about me but I just want you to get the idea in your mind. When you keep your mind on money while in a positive state of mind, money is bound to come your way.
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